Friday, 17 July 2015

A comment on buggy and poorly performing PC ports of games

Originally posted as a comment on The Jimquisition site on an article about buggy and poorly performing PC ports of games.


I am not a game developer, but I am an experienced software engineer who works on web applications. I cannot count the number of problems that I've brought up with management that have been ignored or put on some list of shame that we want to fix, but the whole list is then ignored. I would guess that the engineers and QA people knew exactly about the stuttering problems in Arkham Knight PC port and some people on the team could have fixed them, but they were not given the time to do so. Problems I've most often seen ignored are: security holes, performance problems, rare (or perceived as rare) bugs, and unusual or slow platforms. Of course, these line up perfectly with the highly public fuck ups we've seen from games developers.